What to Feed Beetles in a Mealworm Farm

If you want to create a self-sustaining mealworm farm, knowing how to feed and care for darkling beetles will be essential. How well the beetles thrive is going to determine how successful your farm will be. So let’s take a look at the best practices for beetle care.

Mealworm beetles get their carbohydrates from oats, wheat bran and other grains. You can also give them fruits and vegetables for additional vitamins and nutrients.

Best Foods for Mealworm Beetles

If you want to get the beetles to breed, you have to provide them with a balanced diet. Mealworm beetles are not picky but I recommend feeding them healthy foods to enhance breeding.

Grain-based products. Beetles need carbohydrates for energy. You can use various grain-based products like oats, wheat bran, oatmeal, or breadcrumbs. Make sure to choose unprocessed grains without any additives or preservatives.

Fruits and vegetables. Beetles also require fruits and vegetables to obtain essential vitamins and minerals. You can include slices of carrots, apples, potatoes, pumpkin and others. I strongly recommend you avoid those with chemical pesticides.

Any vegetable will do, but spinach, lettuce and other leafy greens are the best. They are rich in fiber and other nutrients beetles need. Any veggies and fruits with moisture are ideal.

Commercial beetle food. There are commercially available beetle diets specially formulated for mealworm farms. These products contain grains, vitamins and other essential nutrients. There are a lot of options so do some research first.

Water and Moisture

Beetles need water or other moisture sources to prevent dehydration. A wet sponge or a small dish of water is going to be fine.

Mealworm beetles need a bit of moisture, but don’t let their habitat get too soggy. If it is too moist, mold and other bacteria might grow.

Remove spoiled or uneaten food right away. This is necessary to prevent mold and other pests from appearing. As much as possible you should provide them with fresh fruits and vegetables. They only need small amounts so it is not going to cost much. You should also remove waste buildup in their habitat regularly.

Do Mealworm Beetles Drink?

Mealworm beetles do not drink in the traditional sense like humans or other animals. They obtain most of their moisture from the food they eat. Mealworm beetles are able to survive on dry foods such as grains, nuts, and bran, without requiring an additional water source.

Remember that a balanced diet is vital for the beetles’ overall well-being and to stimulate their reproduction. Just because they can survive without much water doesn’t mean we should not provide them with any.

Do Mealworm Beetles Need Moisture?

Darkling beetles need moisture to thrive and survive. Mealworm farmers know that mealworms need some moisture, and this applies to darkling beetles too. It is essential for their reproduction, growth and immune system.

Like I mentioned though, you have to strike the right balance. Too much moisture is bad for beetles and so is too little. Regardless of their stage in the life cycle, moisture always plays a key role.


Mealworm beetles get a significant portion of their water intake through diet. They mostly feed on organic matter such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and other plant materials.

These foods contain moisture that beetles ingest and helps them stay hydrated. Without enough moisture in their diet, mealworm beetles may become dehydrated and face difficulties in molt or reproduction.

If their food contains enough moisture, they will do fine with little water. But during hot summer days the moisture in those foods might evaporate quickly. This is why I recommend leaving them with a dish of water.

Growth Aid

Moisture is also crucial for the beetles during the larval stage. Mealworm larvae require a humidity level between 50-70% to ensure proper growth and development.

This is because they have a relatively high surface area to volume ratio, making them prone to desiccation. Inadequate moisture during the larval stage can lead to stunted growth, decreased survival rates, and developmental abnormalities.

Vital for Reproduction

Mistura also plays a vital role in their reproduction. After mating, beetles will lay eggs, but their survival will depend on the environment. This is where moisture is important..

These eggs require a humid environment to avoid drying out. Moisture helps maintain the ideal conditions for the eggs to develop properly. Under the right conditions these eggs will hatch.

Effects of Excess Moisture

Moisture is important but don’t overdo it. If their habitat is too damp mold, fungi and bacteria will grow. That is going to cause even more problems and could severely damage a beetle colony.

This may lead to infections, disease, and even death. As long as the moisture and humidity levels are right, this won’t be a problem.

One of the most common mistakes new mealworm farmers make is putting beetles in a damp environment. This isn’t needed at all. As long as they have water or fresh, moist food, they can handle a dry environment.

How to Care for Adult Mealworm Beetles

You have successfully raised mealworms and now they are full-grown beetles. Once they lay eggs, you will have a constant supply of mealworms to sell or serve as animal feed. For this to work, caring for adult beetles is a must. Here are some suggestions.

Housing and Substrate

Provide a suitable habitat for your mealworm beetles. I suggest using a plastic or glass container with a well-fitting lid. Make sure the container is well-ventilated but will not allow the beetles to escape. Once the beetles breed, move the eggs into another container.

Related. How to Choose a Mealworm Container

You can use oats, wheat bran, or a commercial mealworm bedding. The substrate should be around 2-3 inches deep. That is enough for the beetles to place their eggs. Replace the bedding regularly to avoid waste buildup.

Remove the eggs once they are laid. You can make this easy by putting grain in small containers so the beetles will lay their eggs there. This way you can easily remove the eggs quickly. Keep the larvae pupae and beetles apart.


The ideal humidity level is 60-70%. You can mist the bedding lightly to keep it humid. Be careful not to overdo it as the substrate could get soggy.

They thrive at 70-80°F (21-27°C). Avoid extreme temperature fluctuations or exposure to direct sunlight, as it can lead to stress. Move their container if it gets too hot or cold.

Once the container is set, put the beetles in. Provide them with enough food using the guidelines above. Darkling beetles are low maintenance, but make sure to check in to replenish their food regularly.


Mealworm beetles need a light-dark cycle to regulate their behavior and reproduction. Ideally there should be 10-12 hours of light followed by 10-12 hours of darkness. You can use a low-watt bulb to achieve this effect if your beetles are indoors.

If your beetles are stored outdoors, natural light will be fine. If your area doesn’t get too light, use artificial lighting to augment it.


Mealworm beetles usually live for 2-3 months. During this time, the females will continuously lay eggs. This is why you need to separate the eggs so they don’t get crushed or eaten when new ones are produced.

I want to add that the lifespan of beetles depends on many factors. If they are given a balanced diet and kept in the right environment, they will live and reproduce well.

Related. How to dispose of mealworm farms


Observe the beetles regularly to monitor their health and behavior. Look for signs of illness, stress, or abnormal behavior. If you notice any issues, Isolate the sick beetles to prevent any disease from spreading.

Raising and caring for mealworm beetles does not need a lot of effort. Investing your time into doing this will really pay off once you see those beetles start laying their eggs.

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