The Right Way on How to Dry Mealworms

Are you interested in learning how to dry mealworms? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Whether you intend to use them as a snack, pet food or a protein-rich ingredient to enhance your cooking, drying mealworms is a simple and effective way to preserve them for future use. Mealworms can be air dried, roasted … Read more

When Mealworms are Most Active

Whether you are farming mealworms as a hobby or business, knowing their behavioral patterns is a must. If their activities change for instance, you will notice it right away and make the propeer adjustments to their environment. Mealworms are most active during the night. They prefer dark, moist environments and get stressed when exposed to … Read more

A Complete Guide to What Mealworms Eat

Mealworms are often used as feeder insects for reptiles, birds, and fish. In the wild, they have a diet that mainly consists of rotting plants, fungi, and seeds. They are scavengers and are typically found in environments such as decaying wood, leaf litter, or compost piles, where they can feed on organic matter that is … Read more

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