Do Mealworms Eat Dead Crickets?

While mealworms have a preference for consuming decaying vegetation, grains, and fruits, they are known to be opportunistic feeders and will consume various types of organic matter. Mealworms will eat dead crickets if there is an opportunity. Insects provide mealworms with the nutrients it needs to survive and go through its life cycle. Are Crickets … Read more

Mealworm Homeostasis Explained

Mealworms, those seemingly inconspicuous insects often found in pet stores, have captured the fascination of scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. These unassuming larvae of darkling beetles (Tenebrio molitor) are not just a convenient source of protein for reptiles and birds; they also serve as fascinating subjects of study, particularly when it comes to the incredible … Read more

Why Your Mealworms are Not Moving

Imagine if you just started a mealworm farm and after a few weeks, you notice some mealworms don’t move much. Others completely stop moving. Are they dead? Is your farm ruined? There are many reasons why this may happen so let’s go over each one. Mealworms that curl and stop moving are going into the … Read more

Mealworm Behavior – Beginners Guide

Mealworms, the larvae of darkling beetles, are unassuming creatures often found in the nooks and crannies of our kitchens, pantries, or gardens. While they may appear insignificant at first glance, their behavior and lifestyles are surprisingly intricate and fascinating. In this article, we will delve into the world of mealworms, exploring their behavior, life cycle, … Read more

5 Reasons Why Mealworms Like Soil

Mealworms are fascinating creatures that have a natural affinity for soil. While many people may consider them to be pests or simply creepy crawlies, mealworms have specific reasons for their affinity towards soil. Let’s delve into some of the reasons why mealworms find soil to be an appealing habitat. Mealworms prefer moist, dark areas, which … Read more

Molting and Why Mealworms Shed Skin

Disposing of shed skin is part of any mealworm farm maintenance. You have probably seen a mealworm actually shedding. But do you know why this happens? It is one of the most interesting things about mealworms and their transformation. Mealworms undergo a process called molting where they shed their exoskeleton or outer skin as they … Read more

Why Your Mealworms are Dying

If the mealworms in your farm are dying in large numbers, it can be alarming. But I can assure you that there are steps you can take to avoid this. I will explain the causes, the solutions and how to dispose of dead mealworms. There are also preventive measures that you can take to keep … Read more

Do Mealworms Have Taste Buds?

Mealworms are known for a lot of things, but it’s their huge appetite that really catches our attention. We have seen those videos of mealworms eating all kinds of stuff, so it seems they really like to eat. But can mealworms actually like or enjoy food? Do they taste it the way humans and other … Read more

Do Mealworms Need Water?

If you have a mealworm farm, knowing how much water you can give them is a must. Too much can lead to mold, while too little can dehydrate the worms. So in this guide I will explain everything you need to know about mealworms and water. Mealworms are well-adapted to survive in various environments, including … Read more

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