How to Store Freeze Dried Mealworms

Freeze dried mealworms are widely available now, so buying is no problem. If you want to buy in bulk, knowing how to store them will be necessary to preserve the favor and nutrients. No matter what the brand is, these tips are applicable.

Freeze dried mealworms should be stored in an airtight container. The ideal temperature is 40°F to 70°F (4°C to 21°C. Keep them away from light.

What are Freeze-Dried Mealworms?

Before we continue, I have to explain what freeze drying is. This is necessary to understand how and where they should be stored.

Freeze-drying is a preservation technique that involves freezing food and then removing most of its moisture. When applied to mealworms, it makes them lighter without losing any of the nutritional value or taste. the process also extends its shelf life.

There are other reasons why freeze dried mealworms have become a popular option. Here are some of them:

  • Nutrient-rich: Mealworms are packed with essential nutrients including protein, healthy fats, fiber and various vitamins and minerals. Freeze-drying helps retain these nutrients, making them a wholesome addition to your diet. Here is a complete guide on mealworm nutrition facts.
  • Sustainability: insects, Mealworms are an environmentally friendly protein source due to their low resource requirements. They consume less resources than traditional livestock so they are sustainable.
  • Long shelf life: Freeze-drying extends the shelf life of mealworms, making them a practical choice for both consumers and manufacturers.

Now that we know how freeze-drying works, we can look at the different ways to preserve them.

How to Store Freeze-Dried Mealworms

Even the highest quality food won’t last long if not properly stored. This applies to freeze-dried mealworms too. If you decide to buy some (or in bulk), keep them fresh by following these simple guidelines.

Keep dry: Moisture is the enemy of freeze-dried mealworms. Even minimal exposure to humidity can lead to spoilage and mold growth. Store your mealworms in an airtight container or vacuum-sealed bag. This will prevent moisture from getting in. I also use desiccant packs to absorb any remaining moisture inside the container.

Maintain a cool temperature: Temperature fluctuations can cause condensation inside the storage container. To avoid this, store your freeze-dried mealworms in a cool, dark place. The ideal storage temperature ranges from 40°F to 70°F (4°C to 21°C).

Protect from light: Light exposure can degrade the nutritional quality of freeze-dried mealworms over time. Keep them in a dark place away from direct sunlight or fluorescent lighting. If the mealworms are in clear packaging, transfer them to an opaque container. Avoid excessive heat as well.

Minimize oxygen exposure: Oxygen can cause oxidation, which can alter the taste and quality of your mealworms. If using a resealable bag, remove as much air as possible before sealing it. I recommend vacuum-sealed bags as they are the best at preventing oxidation.

Label and date: Label the storage container with the date of purchase or storage. This helps ensure that you use older mealworms first. You will find this useful if you bought a lot of them.

Separate from strong odors: Freeze-dried mealworms can absorb odors from their surroundings. Store them separately from strong-smelling foods, spices or cleaning products. This will preserve the original taste and aroma of the mealworms.

Rotation: Like any stored food item, it’s important to practice first-in, first-out (FIFO) rotation. Consume older freeze-dried mealworms first. Discard immediately if you notice mold or a foul smell. Do not give them to animals or wildlife.

Do Freeze-Dried Mealworms Expire?

Freeze-dried mealworms have a long shelf life, but they can still degrade over time if not stored properly. The expiration date depends on many factors.

Freeze-dried mealworms can last for up to 12 months or more if stored correctly. However, this doesn’t mean they are completely immune to deterioration. Here are a few key points to consider:

Expiration date: Many commercially available freeze-dried mealworms have an expiration date on the packaging. Consume the product before the expiration date. This is applicable not just to mealworms but all food. Eating food after the expiration date is never a good idea.

Quality degradation: Freeze-dried mealworms may still be safe to eat beyond their expiration date, but their quality can deteriorate. The texture may become rubbery and the flavor might diminish. The longer you keep them after the expiry date, the more they will degrade.

The way you store your freeze-dried mealworms plays a significant role in how long they are edible. If stored in optimal conditions, they will retain their quality for a longer period.

Check often: Look for any changes in texture, flavor, or odor. If the mealworms have developed an off-putting odor, mold or a rancid taste, it’s best to discard them.

If you have any concerns about the safety or freshness of the product, it’s better to err on the side of caution and discard them. But if stored correctly, your mealworms will be fine.

Benefits of Freeze-Dried Mealworms

If you still aren’t sold on the idea of freeze-dried mealworms, the following might:

  • Packed with protein: Freeze-dried mealworms are an excellent source of protein, essential for muscle building and development.
  • Widely available: you can buy mealworms online, pet stores, local mealworm farmers etc. No shortage of options here.
  • Versatile: Freeze-dried mealworms can be used in various recipes, from savory dishes like stir-fries and salads to sweet treats like cookies and energy bars.
  • Nutrient rich: Mealworms are filled with essential nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. These are good for both humans and animals. In fact a lot of people now buy and cook mealworms for their pets and themselves.

Tips for Buying Freeze Dried Mealworms

No matter how well you store mealworms, they won’t last if they were incorrectly processed. Here are some tips to ensure you buy only quality freeze-dried mealworms.

  • Quality assurance: One of the most important factors to consider is the quality and processing. Look for suppliers who prioritize quality assurance and provide information on their sourcing. Look at information on the processing and packaging as well. A reputable vendor will often offer organic, all-natural and preservative-free options.
  • Nutritional value: Check the packaging or product description for nutritional information. Mealworms are protein-rich, but you have to know the exact protein, fat, fiber, and moisture content. This will help you determine if these mealworms are suitable for you or your pets, depending on your needs.
  • Packaging type: Freeze-dried mealworms come in various packaging types including resealable bags, jars, or containers. Check the shelf life and if the package is resealable. If not, make sure you have an airtight container where you can transfer the mealworms.
  • Sourcing: Do some research on the supplier’s sourcing methods. Check if the mealworms are farmed specifically for consumption, as wild-caught insects carry a higher risk of contamination.
  • Reviews and recommendations: Reading reviews from previous customers can give you insights into the product quality. Look for reviews that mention the flavor, crunchiness, taste etc.
  • Price comparison: Freeze-dried mealworms prices can vary between suppliers. Compare across different brands and package sizes to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money. However, keep in mind that the cheapest option might not always be the best. It is better to pay more for quality food, as cheap low quality products cost more in the long run.


Freeze-dried mealworms are sustainable and rich in nutrients. It is suitable for animals as well as human consumption. To ensure they remain fresh and safe, proper storage is key. Always store them away from light and moisture. And you should only buy from reputable sources.

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