Dried Mealworms for Fish – Complete Feeding Guide

We use worms to catch fish, and while mealworms are not worms- they are the larval form of beetles – they work too. So it is no surprise that fish also like to eat dried mealworms. If you want to add dried mealworms to their diet, there are some things you have to consider first.

Dried mealworms are filled with nutrients and are good for fish. For best results, they should only eat mealworms 2-3 times a week and it must be part of a balanced diet.

Are Dried Mealworms Good for Fish?

Yes they are definitely good for fish. You don’t want to overfeed them, but with the right amount, dried mealworms are good for fish health. here are the reasons why.

Nutritional value: Dried mealworms are high in protein, which is essential for fish growth and development. They also contain a good balance of fats and carbohydrates which serve as energy boosters. Fish that consume dried mealworms will also benefit from enhanced immune function and make them less vulnerable to sickness.

Natural diet: Many fish species are omnivorous and eat insects as part of their diet. Including dried mealworms in their diet helps replicate their native feeding behavior. When given the right diet fish behave more naturally and often have brighter colors, testament to their health.

Variety is good for fish: Adding dried mealworms as a treat will bring variety and enrichment to a fish’s diet. Just like people, fish also get bored when they eat the same food over and over. Giving them mealworms can lead to more active foraging while eating. Any time that a fish gets to display its natural hunting behavior is always good for their health.

Easily digestible: Fish can easily digest dried mealworms. Mealworm exoskeletons are dehydrated during the drying process, making them easier to break down and assimilate. This enables fish to extract maximum nutrition when they eat.

Safety Considerations

Feeding mealworms to fish is easy. But just like any other food, there are safety considerations we have to keep in mind.

While dried mealworms offer nutritional benefits, they should not replace a balanced and varied diet. Think of them as treats or supplements for your fish’s regular diet.

Will fish be happy to just eat dried mealworms? Probably, but it won’t be good for them in the long term. As nutritious as dried mealworms are, they don’t have all the nutrients fish can get from a balanced diet.

Combining dried mealworms with other high quality fish foods like pellets, flakes is ideal. You can also add live or frozen foods for extra nutrition.

Buy dried mealworms from reputable companies. Check the expiration date before you give it to fish. Discard immediately if there is a foul smell coming from it. This also applies if you are feeding mealworms to turtles.

If your fish has never had mealworms before, no special approach is needed. Just give it to them the same way you would any other food. They will eat it for sure.

How Many Mealworms Can Fish Eat?

There is no single answer to this question because it depends on a lot of factors. The bigger the fish the more mealworms they can eat obviously. But it also depends on their diet. I have listed here different types of fish and how many dried mealworms they should be fed.

Betta Fish

You can feed betta fish a few pieces of dried mealworms as a treat, 2-3 times a week. Start with just one or two per feeding and observe how the fish responds. Adjust the quantity accordingly but be careful not to overfeed, as Betta fish have a tendency to overeat.


Goldfish can consume a larger quantity of food compared to Betta fish. For adult goldfish, you can give them about 10-12 dried mealworms per feeding, 2-3 times a week. Mealworms are high in fats so it’s essential to balance their diet with vegetables or commercial fish flakes.

Tropical Fish

There are a lot of tropical fish species so I can only give a general recommendation here. As a rule, tropical fish can be fed 3-5 dried mealworms two to three times a week. Keep feeding if they like it but careful not to overdo it.


Ko can eat 2-4 mealworms once or twice a week. The larger the koi the more mealworms it can eat. If you have never fed them dried mealworms before, the approach is similar to any other fish. Just give one or two and see how they react. The maximum feeding frequency should be two to three times weekly.


Cichlids are a diverse group of fish and their food preferences may vary. Larger, carnivorous cichlids will benefit from having dried mealworms as a regular part of their diet. For medium to large cichlids, 5-8 dried mealworms for each feeding is fine. Feed them 3 times a week. Reduce the frequency for smaller species.

Pond Fish

For pond fish I suggest giving them 1-2 mealworms. If the fish eats both mealworms quickly, you can add more. If there are leftover, it means you gave them too much. Don’t give them dried mealworms every day because they might stop eating other foods.

Remember, these guidelines are just starting points. Each fish has unique preferences and dietary needs, so you have to observe their behavior and appetite. Even if they love dried mealworms, always include fish pellets, flakes, vegetables and other foods to keep their diet balanced.

Which Worm is Best for Fish?

While dried mealworms are great for fish, it’s also a good idea to feed them real worms. But which ones are the best? If you want to add worms to your pet’s diet, here are the best options available.


Bloodworms are the larvae of midge flies and a nutritious food source for fish. They are rich in protein and contain essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that promote healthy growth and vibrant coloration in fish.

Bloodworms are available in both live and freeze-dried forms, making them convenient for fish owners. I have to add though that bloodworms should be fed in moderation. Too much and they can cause digestive issues in fish.


Blackworms (Californian blackworms) are freshwater aquatic worms and commonly used as fish food. They are high in protein, low in fat and contain beneficial fatty acids.

Blackworms are an excellent source of nutrition for both carnivorous and omnivorous fish. You can buy them frozen or refrigerated though they are typically fed live to fish. Rinse them before feeding to remove any potential contaminants. This is also applicable to any worms you buy for your pets

Grindal Worms

Grindal worms are small, whitish worms often used as live food for fish. You can buy them online or in pet stores, plus they are easy to cultivate at home if you want.

Grindal worms contain high amounts of protein, vitamins and essential minerals. Small fish in particular seem to like Grindal worms a lot. Compared to bloodworms or blackworms, Grindal worms have a shorter shelf life and can spoil quickly if not properly stored.

While all these worms are popular choices for feeding fish, you have to consider the specific dietary requirements of your pet. Some fish may require a more specialized diet, and it’s always best to research or consult with experts. Make sure also that the worms or mealworms you give to fish are sourced from reputable companies.


The bottom line is that dried mealworms are great for fish. They pack a lot of nutrients and will make your fish healthier and have more vibrant colors. The key is to avoid overfeeding them because it will cause health issues. But as long as you make dried mealworms a part of a balanced diet, your fish will do great.

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