Do Mealworms Need Water?

If you have a mealworm farm, knowing how much water you can give them is a must. Too much can lead to mold, while too little can dehydrate the worms. So in this guide I will explain everything you need to know about mealworms and water.

Mealworms are well-adapted to survive in various environments, including dry conditions. However, mealworms require water to meet their physiological needs and maintain optimal health.

Where Wild Mealworms Get Water

Wild mealworms get water mostly from foods they eat. Vegetables, succulent materials and fruits have moisture and provide the hydration mealworms need. It is true that mealworms can survive with limited moisture, but they cannot live on dry food alone. Water is essential.

Mealworms in the wild typically live in damp locations such as under decaying logs. This makes it easy for them to find moisture. Mealworm farmers on the other hand, provide fresh water along with moistened food. If you are going to sell mealworms or use them as animal feed, they must be well-fed and cared for, and that includes providing water..

How to Give Mealworms Water

There are many ways to supply water to mealworms. Which you choose is a matter of personal preference. I will provide the simplest and most common methods here.

Probably the most common method is to use a water-based food source. Fruits like apples, oranges, or cucumbers as well as vegetables like carrots or potatoes contain water. Cut these into small pieces and place them in the mealworm container. This will not only supply the necessary water but also serve as a source of nutrition.

Another option is to moisten the substrate or bedding. Mealworms live and breed on the bedding and they also consume it. Mist it lightly with water and you will provide them with the moisture they need.

Light misting is the key here. Do not add too much water on the bedding because it can lead to mold growth. Just add enough water so mealworms can drink from it. There is no need for this if they are getting enough from the food you provide.

Related. Ultimate Guide to Mealworm Bedding

You can also use water gel or water crystals. These products are designed for insects and can be used as a water source. Both water gels and crystals absorb and retain water, then they slowly release it.

It’s important to note that mealworms don’t require large amounts of water. Overly wet conditions can lead to bacterial growth and negatively affect their health. Moisture is important and required, but you must not overdo it.

How Long Can Mealworms Last without Water?

Mealworms are known for their remarkable resilience and adaptability to various environments. These little creatures have evolved to withstand dry conditions and can survive for extended periods without water.

The survival time of mealworms without water depends on various factors such as temperature, humidity, age, and health. Healthy mealworms can last 2-4 weeks without water.

This assumes the mealworms have access to food which can provide them with moisture. Without food, water and high temperature, mealworms will not last long.

Temperature and Humidity

Mealworms will last longer without water in cold weather. In colder conditions, their metabolism slows down and reduces their water requirements. This enables them to survive for a longer duration without dehydrating.

On the other hand, warmer temperatures speed up their metabolic rate. This increases their water needs which is why they cannot last long without water in a dry habitat.

Humidity also affects mealworm survival. Higher humidity levels lead to greater moisture retention in their food source. This allows mealworms to get water indirectly and extend their survival period. In dry environments with low humidity, mealworms are going to vulnerable to dehydration.

Age and Health

Age and overall health affect a mealworm’s water requirements and how long they last without it. Older, healthier mealworms have a better of surviving without water compared to younger ones. Mealworms with more fat reserves are also more resilient to dehydration.

While mealworms can survive for weeks without water, they will require it eventually. Providing regular access to clean drinking water or hydrating foods like fresh fruits and vegetables is essential for mealworm farming. Water promotes their growth, reproduction and improves longevity.

Related. Can You Feed Spices to Mealworms?

If you have a mealworm farm or planning to make one, don’t forget to provide a water source. Yes mealworms can last for a while without water. But if you want healthy, lively mealworms, water is a must.

Can You Overwater Mealworms?

If mealworms are given too much water, it can have adverse effects on their health and overall well-being. Mealworms, which are the larval stage of darkling beetles, have specific requirements for moisture levels in their environment.

Usually, mealworms thrive in a slightly dry environment, as their bodies are adapted to conserve water. Providing excessive water can lead to an overly humid and wet habitat that is unfavorable for their growth and survival.

The Effect of Overwatering

It s possible to overwater mealworms and this can cause many problems. Here are the most likely issues you will come across in case mealworms get too much water.

Fungal growth: Excessive moisture can raise humidity levels beyond what mealworms can tolerate. This can lead to damp bedding, which leads to the growth of bacteria, fungi, and molds.

Molding and infestation: Mealworms are susceptible to mold growth when exposed to excess moisture. Mold can quickly develop on the wet bedding and food, making it toxic for mealworms. Overwatering can also attract pests and insects such as fruit flies or mites which can harm the mealworm colony.

Drowning: While mealworms can tolerate some water, they cannot live in a fully aquatic environment. If their habitat becomes waterlogged, the mealworms can drown. This can happen if you put too much water in the bedding.

Malnourishment: Too much water can make their bedding and food mushy or slimy. This will make it difficult for mealworms to consume. If this isn’t fixed quickly, mealworms can get malnourished due to lack of edible food.

Lower reproductive rates: Mealworms require specific environmental conditions to breed. If it is too moist, their reproductive rates will drop. A damp environment discourages darkling beetles from laying eggs, leading to a decline in the population. For more on this, don’t you can check my article on mealworm breeding.

Do You Need to Water Dried Mealworms?

Dried mealworms usually do not need to be watered. The drying process is what gives these mealworms a long shelf life, making them ideal feed for reptiles, chickens, birds, fish and other animals.

Mealworms are also suitable for human consumption. Whether you water them or not depends on how you plan to cook and serve them.

If you prefer to rehydrate dried mealworms, just soak them in water for a few minutes. This will make them softer and mimic their natural texture, which some animals might prefer. Moist mealworms spoil quickly so you should serve them immediately.

If you are feeding dried mealworms to birds, it’s a good idea to provide a dish of water too. While birds like dry mealworms, water will hydrate them.

Related. Can Dried Mealworms be Rehydrated


Balancing water and moisture levels is essential in a mealworm farm. A suitable bedding is required, but their habitat must have the right amount of moisture too. Lightly misting the substrate – plus fruits and vegetables – will provide mealworms the water they need. Adjust the moisture level as necessary, i.e. during very hot or cold days.

While mealworms are highly adaptable and can survive in relatively dry conditions, they need water to survive and thrive. As a mealworm farmer, you should always provide them with the water they need, through a lightly moist substrate and moisture-rich foods.

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