Do Mealworms Carry Bacteria?

Mealworms are often used to feed chickens, reptiles and other animals. They are also considered a delicacy by some people. But how safe are mealworms to eat? Are you putting your pets and yourself at risk by eating them? The chances of getting bacterial infection from mealworms is very low. Mealworms for human and animal … Read more

What to Feed Beetles in a Mealworm Farm

If you want to create a self-sustaining mealworm farm, knowing how to feed and care for darkling beetles will be essential. How well the beetles thrive is going to determine how successful your farm will be. So let’s take a look at the best practices for beetle care. Mealworm beetles get their carbohydrates from oats, … Read more

How Often to Change Mealworm Bedding

Maintaining good hygiene is essential for the health and well-being of your mealworms. One crucial aspect of this is knowing how often to change the bedding. By doing so, you can ensure a clean and sanitary environment for your mealworms to live and thrive in. I will explain here how to do this step by … Read more

The Right Way on How to Dry Mealworms

Are you interested in learning how to dry mealworms? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Whether you intend to use them as a snack, pet food or a protein-rich ingredient to enhance your cooking, drying mealworms is a simple and effective way to preserve them for future use. Mealworms can be air dried, roasted … Read more

When Mealworms are Most Active

Whether you are farming mealworms as a hobby or business, knowing their behavioral patterns is a must. If their activities change for instance, you will notice it right away and make the propeer adjustments to their environment. Mealworms are most active during the night. They prefer dark, moist environments and get stressed when exposed to … Read more

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