Can Dried Mealworms Go Bad?

We often use dried mealworms to feed livestock and other animals. There are also people who eat dried mealworms in many parts of the world. So naturally the question comes up about the quality. Do they spoil? What should you do to keep them fresh?

Dried mealworms have a shelf life of up to a year if stored properly. Keep them in a cool, dry place and do not let mealworms get moist as it makes them vulnerable to being spoiled.

How to Keep Dried Mealworms Fresh

Unlike fresh mealworms which are still alive, dried mealworms have had their moisture content reduced through a dehydration process. This is essential to extend their shelf life and prevent bacterial growth.

This is the reason why dried mealworms can last several months or up to a year. However this is only going to happen if the mealworms were processed correctly and you store them.

The most critical factor for maintaining the quality and freshness of dried mealworms is proper storage. Store them in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and humidity. Exposure to moisture can cause them to absorb water and increase the risk of spoiling. As long as the mealworms are fresh they are good to eat. However it isn’t a good idea to give them to frogs if you have one.

Proper Storage

Dried mealworms with low to no water can still spoil if not stored correctly. Signs of spoilage in dried mealworms include a change in color, an unpleasant odor or a moldy appearance. If you notice any of these, discard the mealworms immediately.

Any of these signs suggest the mealworms have been exposed to moisture. They might already be infected by bacteria or other microorganisms and could be a health risk.

If dried mealworms have been stored for an extended period, they may become stale and lose their crunchiness. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re spiled, but the texture and taste won’t be as good.

To ensure the maximum shelf life and quality of dried mealworms, store them in airtight containers or resealable bags. Keep them in a cool and dry place. A pantry or cupboard is fine. As long as they are properly stored, you or your pets can enjoy dried mealworms without worry.

Remember, any sign of color change, odor, or moldy appearance indicate the dried mealworms have gone bad and should be discarded. If your mealworms have been stored for a while, always check them first before eating.

Tips for Storing Dried Mealworms

All it takes is a simple mistake and your dried mealworms can get spoiled. So here are some tips on how to keep them as fresh as possible.

Choose airtight containers: I suggest using airtight containers made of glass, plastic or metal to keep the mealworms fresh. Any of these will them away from moisture, air and pests. Mason jars or vacuum-sealed bags are also effective.

Use dry storage only: Do not use damp or moist containers If you washed the container, dry it completely before putting the mealworms there.

Control temperature: Store dried mealworms at 50°F (10°C) and 70°F (21°C). Fluctuations in temperature may impact the quality and texture so keep that in mind.

Protect from pests: You can add a bay leaf or a piece of dried chili pepper to deter insects and bugs. Sal the container tight so ants, mice, roaches and other pests do not come near.

Use oxygen absorbers: You can add oxygen absorbers to the containers to prolong shelf life. These packets eliminate oxygen and reduce the risk of spoilage and insect infestation.

Label and date: It’s important to label the containers with the purchase or expiration date of your dried mealworms. This is the easiest and simplest way to keep track if it’s still safe to eat them.


Regularly check for signs of spoilage: Inspect the dried mealworms periodically for any indications of mold, discoloration, unpleasant odor or pests. If you notice any of these signs, throw the mealworms away.

Long-term freezing: If you want to store dried mealworms for an extended period, you can freeze them. Place the mealworms in a sealed bag or container and store them in the freezer. Freezing can prolong their shelf life, but it might slightly affect their texture. I suggest thawing them first for a few hours before consuming.

Remember, the actual shelf life of dried mealworms can vary depending on their quality, storage conditions, and processing methods. It’s always best to check the manufacturer’s guidelines. As always, buy only from reputable brands.

Do Dried Mealworms Expire?

Like other foods, dried mealworms have an expiration date. The expiration date depends on several factors including the storage conditions and the quality of the product. You will find the expiration on the product package. The longer the expiry date the better.

I want to emphasize that the expiry date assumes the dried mealworms are stored properly. If you leave it in direct sunlight or in moist conditions, those mealworms will spoil quickly.

Do Mealworms Lose Flavor?

Over time, dried mealworms may lose their crunchiness and texture. Thier nutritional value goes down too. This is what usually happens after the expiry date.

Can you eat expired dried mealworms? If there is no discoloration, mold or smell, probably yes. But it will not taste as good and won’t be as nutritious. Personally I would never eat dried mealworms pas their expiration.

You should always check the packaging for the stated expiration date especially if purchasing in bulk or from less reputable sources. Buying from trusted suppliers guarantees that the product has gone through proper food processing and packaging procedures.

You also have to be aware of any potential allergies or sensitivities before eating dried mealworms. Some may have adverse reactions to insect-based foods for example. This isn’t just for people but pets too.

What Causes Mealworms to Spoil?

Temperature: One of the primary causes of spoiling mealworms is lack of temperature control. Mealworms thrive in temperatures between 77-82°F (25-28°C). When exposed to conditions outside this range, they become susceptible to spoilage.

Low temperatures below their preferred range can slow their metabolism. This can lead to reduced growth, reproduction, and eventually death. On the other hand, high temperatures speed up metabolism. This makes them prone to bacterial or fungal growth and ultimately leading to spoilage.

Moisture: Mealworms require a specific level of moisture for their growth and development. However, excessive moisture can create a favorable environment for the growth of molds, fungi, or bacteria,

Molds thrive in damp conditions and can easily contaminate mealworm colonies, compromising their quality and safety. Poorly ventilated or excessively humid environments can promote mold growth and moisture accumulation. Both can seriously damage a mealworm farm.

Related. How to Remove Mealworm Farm Mold

Poor hygiene practices: Maintaining proper hygiene is essential to prevent spoilage of mealworms. Keep your mealworm farms clean. Replace the bedding regularly and discard leftover food before they rot.

Lack of maintenance can lead to buildup of bacteria, fungi, or other harmful microorganisms. This is going to result in disease and affect the quality of the mealworms. If you are going to eat dried mealworms from your farm, make sure it is clean.

Feeding substrate quality: Mealworms eat their substrate so it has to be clean and nutritious. Wheat bran, oats and other grains are the best choices.

If the substrate used is contaminated with fungi, molds, or other harmful microorganisms, it can transfer to the mealworms. Lack of food and nourishment are just as bad for mealworms as they will be susceptible to disease.


The rule of thumb for dried mealworms is simple. Buy them from a reputable source. Choose one with a long expiry date and store in a cool dry place. Do these things and your dried mealworms will hold up for a long time.

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