Mealworms are commonly fed to livestock and pet reptiles. They are also eaten by people in certain areas around the world. If you are new to mealworm farming, the first question that probably comes to mind is, are they clean?
Mealworms are generally clean and safe for animal and human consumption. It is important to keep mealworm farms clean to avoid contamination and buy only from reputable sources to avoid health risks.
Mealworms: Clean or Dirty?
I understand why some, probably most, think mealworms are dirty. After all they burrow in decaying organic matter and eat almost everything. But we have to distinguish between wild mealworms and those raised in farms.
Mealworms grown in farms are clean because it is a controlled environment. The bedding simulates their natural habitat with the right moisture and food. But it is clean and free from parasites, bacteria etc. These mealworms are not contaminated.
It’s true mealworms eat scraps, but they are very effective at digesting and recycling waste. Mealworm waste called frass can also be used as natural fertilizer.
Commercially sold mealworms are subject to strict sanitation and hygiene practices. If you have a mealworm farm, always wash your hands before and after handling them. Always use clean bedding, containers, gloves etc. This is for your own protection and also to keep the mealworms free from contaminants.
Do Mealworms Have Germs?
Mealworms are not known to carry germs, bacteria or other harmful microorganisms. But I want to point out that there are instances where this can happen.
Like any living organism, mealworms interact with their environment. If their habitat is dirty or contaminated, then mealworms could end up carrying parasites, bacteria, germs and other microorganisms.
A dirty bedding, spoiled food and an overcrowded container can lead to contamination. An infected mealworm can spread it to healthy ones. If an infected bug gets into the farm and dies there, it can spread germs or other diseases.
This is the reason why hygiene and safety protocols are needed when handling mealworms. This is also true when handing any food for human or animal consumption. Fortunately, freezing, roasting, frying, grilling, heating will remove the potential threats.
Related. Do Mealworms Carry Bacteria?
Removing Germs
Mealworms can be eaten raw, but most of them they are cooked first. This is important because if you cook mealworms, it reduces the risk of any possible contamination.
If you are giving live or raw mealworms to animals, make sure they are handled properly. This is also the case with freeze dried mealworms. Buy only from reputable sources to ensure they were processed properly.
Threats of germs, bacteria etc. can be removed through cooking. If the mealworms will be consumed raw, they are still safe provided they were handled properly.
It is a different story if you or your pet has food allergies. Allergic reactions to mealworms are rare but it can happen. If you have never eaten mealworms before, talk to a doctor first before you do so.
Why Mealworms are Safe to Eat
If you don’t have any allergies, mealworms are safe to eat. It is considered a delicacy in many parts of the world and it’s easy to understand why. They are nutritious, healthy and delicious. Here are other reasons why mealworms are safe and healthy to eat.
High nutritional value. Mealworms are rich in essential nutrients necessary for a well-balanced diet. They are an excellent source of protein, which is crucial for building and repairing muscles.
Mealworms are also rich in amino acids, healthy fats, minerals, dietary fiber and vitamins. These are all essential for a healthy diet, so it’s no wonder they are considered a good food source.
Sustainable food source. Mealworms need less land, water and feed than traditional livestock. It costs less to manage mealworm farms than poultry and easier too.
Mealworm farming also has minimal ecological impact and is environment friendly. They reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to waste recycling and management.
Culinary versatility. Mealworms can be served in different ways. They can be eaten raw, stir-fried, grilled, roasted, steamed or baked.
You can add mealworms to sweet and savory dishes. Mealworms have a mild flavor that makes it easy to blend them with other ingredients. Plus you get that healthy nutrient boost.
Mealworms are still in the exotic food category, but they are getting more popular and with good reason. They are versatile, delicious and good for the body, be it human or animal.

Other Benefits of Mealworms
Health experts have concluded that mealworms are safe for human consumption, and they are tasty to boot. But there are other reasons why mealworms are not only safe to eat, but also beneficial.
Limited allergenic potential, Allergies to mealworms are rare compared to other common triggers like nuts, gluten or seafood. For the majority of people, mealworms are safe to eat and won’t trigger any allergens.
Clean and safe. Mealworms intended for human consumption are bred under controlled conditions. These facilities adhere to strict food safety regulations and are regularly inspected.
These guidelines ensure that mealworms undergo rigorous quality control measures and are safe from contamination. Regular inspections and conforming to food safety standards guarantee the health and safety of the final product.
No known health risks. Extensive research on mealworms has not reported any significant health risks associated with their consumption.
The European Union’s Food Safety Authority (EFSA) conducted an assessment and concluded that mealworms are safe for human consumption when produced under controlled conditions.
Can Humans Eat Raw Mealworms?
Most animals prefer to mealworms raw and live. But is it possible or advisable for humans to eat raw mealworms?
As long as the mealworms were bred in a clean, controlled environment, it is safe for humans to eat raw mealworms. But in most cases, mealworms are cooked first before being eaten.
Human consumption of mealworms is not new. In some parts of Africa and Asia, these have been eaten for centuries. However they are usually stir-fried or added to soups.
But there is a growing trend in eating raw mealworms. Partly it’s for adventure: it is unusual and there are people who always want to try out new food.
Others prefer to eat raw mealworms to get more nutrients out of it. Cooking might remove some of the health benefits,, so to get maximum benefits, they eat mealworms without cooking.
Related. Ae Mealworms Dangerous?
Safety Tips
If you want to eat raw mealworms, take extra precautions. If you are going to buy, do so from a reputable brand.
Remember that cooking removes bacteria, germs etc. If the mealworms are raw, you won’t have any of this protection, which is why you have to buy from a trusted source.
Raw mealworms have a crunchy texture and a nutty, earthy flavor. Some people compare their taste to that of roasted nuts or popcorn. But the taste can vary depending on what the mealworms were fed before they were harvested.
As long as raw mealworms are clean, they are safe to eat. But I recommend eating in small quantities especially if you are a beginner.
Mealworms are rich in fiber and if you eat too much, you might experience mild stomach discomfort. This is normal when you eat too many fiber-rich foods, so proceed slowly.
The best approach is to eat a small amount. Increase the quantity slowly over a period of weeks. Watch how your body reacts and adjust the amount you eat as necessary.
Take the same approach if you are going to feed mealworms to your pet. Introduce it slowly into their diet and see how they respond. Make sure they eat other foods too for a balanced diet.
Mealworms raised in controlled conditions are not dirty. Before they are harvested, they undergo a rigorous process of cleaning and processing. This is necessary to ensure they are safe for human and animal consumption.